The Fat Burning Kitchen

The Fat Burning Kitchen
The Fat Burning Kitchen is your 24-hour diet transformation to make your body a fat-burning machine by Mike Geary, aka ‘The Nutrition Watchdog’ Certified Nutrition Specialist, best-selling author.
These foods, commonly called “healthy” by experts, the media, and even the government, are actually silently harming the health of you and your family, leading to increases in Heart Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, excess body fat, and accelerated aging.
Inside the Fat Burning Kitchen manual, you’ll discover:
  • The true secret to making calorie-counting obsolete
  • The truth about polyunsaturated fats (omega-6’s and omega-3’s) that most food companies don’t want you to know
  • Which protein bars or energy bars are actually candy bars in disguise and which bars are actually good for you
  • The real deal on saturated fat and cholesterol, and why they are essential in your diet
  • The “whole grain” deception and why whole-grain crackers, bread, and cereals are packing more bodyfat on you
  • Why that skim milk may not be so good for you after all, and the dirty truth about homogenized milk too
  • The one time when tilapia and salmon are NOT health foods (plus the best alternatives)
  • A healthy fat-burning burger option? Yes
Not only are you going to finally discover the truth about the foods in your kitchen and grocery store, but you’re also going to:
  • Discover how protein from these specific types of animals, not only HELP you burn fat and gain muscle, but are also high in heart-healthy fatty acids (I bet you didn’t know THIS)
  • Delicious, nutritious, and mouth-watering meal ideas that not only satisfy your appetite (which STOPS dangerous cravings) but also burn stomach fat and FIGHT aging
  • The 3 BEST types of wild-caught fish (a couple probably aren’t what you think), as well as a specific type of fish you should NEVER eat…
Imagine waking up every morning FULL of energy, heading to the bathroom and looking at your reflection in the mirror and actually LOVING what you see… Read more…

The Fat Burning Kitchen