The Favorite Food Diet is an online weight loss regime that shows you the way to eat the foods you love and still lose weight. Imagine that! Impossible, right? Well, that’s exactly what the weight loss industry has tricked you into believing because it makes a killing on people trying to lose weight. So of course, they make it difficult to do so (ahem, prohibiting delicious foods) which keeps people just like you and I coming back for more. But the proof is in the pudding – pardon the pun; you can eat the foods you love and still achieve your weight loss goals and that’s what The Favorite Food Diet is here to teach you.
Put down the diet plans that require you to count calories and eat nothing but carrots and lettuce for every meal. Despite what the weight loss industry wants you to believe, you can eat the foods you love and still achieve your weight loss goals. The secret? Nope, it isn’t moderation. Instead, you have to fix your gut flora and maintain a healthy gut biome so your body can burn off (and not store) the foods you eat as fat. Yes, this has been the culprit all this time and it makes sense if you take the time to think about it (or read the chapters that cover this topic). Your gut flora is the heart of how your body functions; how it stores fat; how it uses nutrients; how it absorbs nutrients, etc. So, when it is overloaded with bad bacteria, it’s difficult for your body to function properly, thus resulting in storing foods that should be burned off as energy. The good news? You can easily fix this problem with 100% natural and safe solutions which are provided to you throughout The Favorite Food Diet. Now, I’ll elaborate on all of this good stuff in just a moment but first, I want to mention the four rules that the program is based on:
- Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods
- Rule 2: Nourishing your Microbiome
- Rule 3: Include your Favorite Foods
- Rule 4: Drink Clean Water Everyday
These four rules are the foundation of the four-phase process that The Favorite Food Diet will take you on. These four phases are:
- Weight-Loss Industry Deception
- The True Cause of Obesity
- The Program
- Recipes
As you can see from the titles of the four-phases, this program takes the time to educate you on your body and then it provides you with a system, recipes and activities that allow you to turn your newfound information into action.
The best part? You receive immediate access to the program as soon as you purchase. You just download the content onto your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone and get started. As a bonus, you’re able to take the program with you whenever and wherever you go. To the grocery store? Yup. To a quiet space for mind-body activities? Yup. To the kitchen to cook up the delicious recipes? You bet. It’s as convenient as it gets.
Now, if you are pretty certain that you can’t eat the foods you love and still lose weight, you have two months to try it out with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. What do you have to lose?
Chrissie Mitchel is the mastermind behind The Favorite Food Diet. She is a highly-renowned fitness and wellness expert with years working with clients just like you and I. More importantly, she struggled with her own weight loss after having children so not only is she a professional weight loss coach but she’s someone who has been there!
The Favorite Food Diet is a four-phase system that is based on the four following rules:
- Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods
- Rule 2: Nourishing your Microbiome
- Rule 3: Include your Favorite Foods
- Rule 4: Drink Clean Water Everyday

Throughout the program, you learn how your gut biome affects your body and weight loss goals; how the weight loss industry has been tricking you into doing things that don’t work; the true cause of obesity and of course, a comprehensive plan to tackling it.
Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll receive with the program:
- Chapter 1: Obesity: A Growing Problem
- The Scary Complications of Being Obese
- Dieting Myths
- Chapter 2: The “Stay Fat” Conspiracy
- The Fake Search for the “Cure:
- How Diet Industry Cashes In
- What Benefits the Food Companies Most?
- Big Pharma Also Profits
- Where’s the Government Protection for Consumers
- Chapter 3: How Your Body Stores Fat
- Insulin
- Fat/Sugar Connection
- Chapter 4: The True Cause of Obesity
- How Your Gut Biome Affects Your Weight Gain
- Gut Imbalance Symptoms
- Enemies of Good Bacteria
- Restoring Good Bacteria and Your Happy Balance
- Chapter 5: Re-Balancing Your Gut Biome
- Restoring Healthy Microbes in the Gut
- Where Do These Come From?
- Introducing Biofi – Your One Stop for Gut Health
- Chapter 6: What to Eat
- How Have Our Diets Changed?
- Rule 1: The Importance of Whole Foods
- Rule 2: Nourishing your Microbiome
- Rule 3: Include your Favorite Foods
- Rule 4: Drink Clean Water Everyday
- Chapter 7: Harnessing the Mind-Body Connection
- Is Your Subconscious Keeping You Fat?
- 30-Day Visualization Exercise
- Chapter 8: Questions and Answers
- What Should I Expect on This Program?
- From a Happy, Healthy Participant

The greatest advantage of The Favorite Food Diet is that you don’t have to starve yourself, nor do you have to deprive your meals of delicious flavors. Heck, you can even eat desserts if that’s what your taste buds are calling for. This instantly makes it easy to follow the regime, and more importantly, achieve your weight loss goals because you aren’t suffering. You aren’t doing something you hate. In fact, you actually enjoy eating and you start to build a positive relationship with food. Put all of that together and you get to enjoy eating just as you do when you aren’t dieting, while still seeing weight loss results. Not only that but fixing your gut flora will make you feel a million times better. You’ll be surprised how much it was affecting you.
I also really liked having the program in digital format. It allowed me to take the information, recipes, shopping lists, healthy advice, and visualization exercises with me anywhere I went. Not only was this a huge convenience but it also served me in many of my vulnerable moments.
And of course, you just can’t go wrong with having a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. It’s like an extra boost of confidence that you’ve finally found the solution you’ve been looking for. After all, if it isn’t, you can opt for a refund but let’s get serious here, there’s no way you’re going to give back eating the foods you love and losing weight for the opposite.
The only disadvantage I can think of is that it’s disappointing to find out that you’ve been lied to from the weight loss industry for all this time. On the bright side, you learn the truth and you also learn how to take the truth and turn it into action that provides sustainable results with The Favorite Food Diet. You have to take some bad with the good, right?
It would also be a nice addition to have the program in audio form. Although I understand it would be difficult to follow recipes and a 30-day meal through audio files, some people simply don’t like to read.
Recipes? Check. Valuable information? Check. A plan for success? Check. The Favorite Food Diet is everything you’ve wanted from the weight loss industry and now, you have it. The program educates you on your body and weight loss; the weight loss industry as a whole, and then it provides you with an actionable plan, mind-body connection activities and more. Add in the fact that you also get 2 months to try the program with the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee and you just can’t go wrong. You have nothing to lose and it’s not like you really have to do anything too differently since you can still eat the foods you love. You just have to fit that gut flora!