How the word diet causes many people to gain weight and how to avoid this trap

Think about the last 40 years or so.  Can you recall the number of new and improved diets that have come onto the market?
From Deal a Meal to Atkins to Southbeach to the TLC diet to odd concepts such as only eating cabbage or drinking only maple syrup lemonade – there hasn’t been any shortage of weight loss approaches since the 1970’s.
As with most of the information regarding weight loss, the advice that has been given regarding what to eat and what not to has changed as well.  Unfortunately, most of this advice is useless and actually counterproductive for those seeking to safely and effectively lose weight.
“Eggs are good for you, then they’re bad for you and then they’re okay again,” comments Brian Flatt, fitness trainer and weight loss expert, “I’ve even seen a guy who claims that it doesn’t matter what you eat, so long as you eat the wright amounts… as if you could really only eat a few bites of ice cream or cheese cake every night and expect to be healthy.”
In Brian Flatt’s weight loss programs, the renowned 3 Week Diet and the popular and highly effective 2 Week Diet, he explores the myths and misinformation around food.  In his newest release, the rapid progress 1 Week Diet program, Flatt shows users how to lose 7 to 10 pounds in a single 7 day period safely and effectively.
“Losing weight isn’t about starving yourself or about cutting things out to the point where your lifestyle dramatically changes,” Flatt explains, “It’s about working in harmony with your body’s natural bio-chemistry and fat burning cycles to maximize the effect of what you’re eating and when.”
The 1 Week Diet explores how cutting out some of your favorite carbs can actually hinder your body’s ability to lose weight because it’s not getting the nutrients and carbohydrates it needs for fuel.  Additionally, Flatt’s program talks not so much about removing things from your diet – at least not to any extreme – but more about what to add that fuels the body’s metabolism and allows it to burn stored fat as energy.
To learn more about the body’s natural rhythms and bio-chemistry and how to put them to work in your weight loss routines, click this link and watch a free video on Brian Flatt’s 1 Week Diet system.
How the word diet causes many people to gain weight and how to avoid this trap