5 so-called healthy foods that are making you fatter, sicker and weaker

Caution: if you don’t understand how your body processes food for energy, you could literally be your own worst enemy!

Cut out the carbs, reduce the fat, eat whole grains, gluten is evil, drink more juice and find healthy snacks… all of this sounds good, doesn’t it? Well, I’m here to pull the wool back and show you why most if not all of these ideas actually harm the body and torpedo any weight loss effort you might be trying to make.

Brian Flatt here – personal trainer and weight loss expert. I’m the author of the 3 Week Diet,  A program that teaches you how to work with your body’s natural bio-chemistry and lose up to 10 pounds of unhealthy fat in a single week.

Sounds crazy, right?

7 to 10 pounds in 1 week sounds like you’re going to have to kill yourself at the gym, run until you pass out and drink water and eat wheat germ morning noon and night, doesn’t it?

Wrongo my friend!

Before I get into that, I want to explain about 5 foods that we’re all led to believe are healthy alternatives. Foods that in the harsh light of actual science, do more harm than good, especially if you’re trying to drop some LB’s.

Only 5 you ask? Oh, let me tell you there are way more than that, but I don’t want to drown you in information that you may find strange or hard to accept. So let’s just take a quick look at 5 derailers you may want to watch out for…

Food enemy #1 – Juices and smoothies

Boy, Brian, you’re hitting me right between the eyes right out of the gate!

Let me make an important distinction here. I’m not saying fruit and vegetable juice and smoothies are bad, on the contrary, my 1 Week Diet program comes with a delicious smoothie recipe bonus book. But the difference is in how you get the juices.

I’m talking about packaged stuff here. Bottled juices and pre-made smoothies. Generally, these contain loads of sugar and quite a few carbs… which turn into sugar. And as you know, too much sugar = fat.

If you’re buying these things, check the label for sugars and that there are no more than 15 carbs. Also the combination should be 1 serving of fruit and the rest veggies.

Food enemy #2 – Veggie chips

Sorry to burst your bubble, but that bag of so-called “healthy” veggie chips is probably loaded with carbs and sugars. Most commercial veggie chips are actually made from potatoes with some veggie powder sprinkled on them.

If you’re into these snacks, though, there’s a way to get them that’s actually very healthy and even helps to ramp up your metabolism and burn fat…

Food enemy #3 – Protein bars!

Dun, dun dun….

Yeah, these expensive goodies are little more than glorified candy bars. Most protein bars have as much sugar as a typical candy bar with a bit of extra protein thrown in… and even that is suspect.

Want to add a protein burst? There’s a right way to do it and in the 1 Week Diet, I explain how.

Hint: Avoid packaging!

Food enemy #4 – Whole grain breads

Once again we run into problems with stuff that’s pre-packaged. In order for the bread companies to claim that their product is “whole” grain… they only have to make sure that some of the flour comes from whole wheat or oats. They’re allowed to still include as much as 70% processed flour!

White flour is very easily converted into sugar… and you know what sugar does!

Food enemy #5 – yogurt with fruit at the bottom

Oh, come on Brian!

Sorry, but here again we’re up against sugar. Those delicious yogurts with the fruit at the bottom that you mix up and enjoy have their fruit sitting in syrup… sugary syrup… and while fruit is healthy and yogurt is healthy… this is just more unnecessary sugar you can’t afford.

How to turn the tables on the food companies

In the 1 Week Diet, I show you how to lose a pound per day or more by teaching you about how your body works. Your body does two things very well:

Your body stores fat.

Your body burns fat.

In modern times, with so much stress, sitting on our butts and the consumption of pre-packaged foods loaded with sugars and preservatives, we’re all forcing our bodies to store fat for up to 20 hours each day!

However, by understanding how your natural bio-chemistry works and doing things that work toward boosting your metabolism, you can ramp up your body to go from burning fat only 4 hours every day to 12.

When you do that, you begin to shed unsightly and unhealthy fat rapidly – as much if not more than a pound every day!

It’s actually a simple process that doesn’t involve hours of grueling exercise, starvation diets, weird and disgusting foods or really changing your lifestyle all that much. It’s been proven to work and I’d like to share it with you now.

I’ve created a free presentation onthe 1 Week Diet including how I came up with the concept and how the program combines ancient Japanese health secrets with modern science to deliver astonishing results that I guarantee.

Here’s a tiny sample of what the 1 Week diet explores – if you like fruit and yogurt, then buy plain healthy yogurt and whole fruits and combine them yourself! This one simple tip is dozens of times more healthy than what you buy in the store and literally ramps up your metabolism and makes a great snack before you go to bed.

Learn the truth about what you’re being sold – don’t keep butting your head against the wall.

If you’ve ever felt that you want to slim down and regain your former level of energy, health and youthfulness, then you can’t afford not to check out the 1 Week Diet.

5 so-called healthy foods that are making you fatter, sicker and weaker